
10 Observations

Week 7 Living In A Hotel
(Week 9 w/o a home):

Observation #1)
I've learned I can live on very little however it is easy to forget there are crates full of things waiting for me!

Observation #2)
Home is where you are with your spouse however without sounding materialistic, I can't wait to see my stuff when we move!

Observation #3)
Living in a tourist area gives me a false reality of what Hawaii is really like; because I will have to pay for that nice cold A/C and warm bath water!

Observation #4)
Why does it say, "Patience is a virtue?" Because it is. Simple as that. A simple statement, yet hard to execute.

Observation #5)
I can decorate anything for the holidays!!! A 6 inch USB Christmas Tree from Target, a $3 strand of colored twinkle lights, and Pandora's endless holiday tunes; if that doesn't spread Christmas cheer I don't know what will!!

Observation #6)
New beginnings are equally scary and exciting. Adventure holds both.

Observation #7)
I have learned that I felt at home in our hotel (ie: stress level decreased) when I stopped using the TomTom to navigate to our hotel in Waikiki and repacked our suitcases to make available only the 'daily items'.

Observation #8)
Life is about who you know...hate to say it, but it's true! O'hana-family/close friends-When people take care of each other and the opportunities are endless.

Observation #9)
I sincerely believe traveling is no excuse to not prioritize the parents, sisters, and kiddos, plus close friends you left on the mainland. I do my best; but always try to communicate!

Observation #10)
Nothing is possible without prayer, grace, & love. :)

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