
It is a windy Martin Luther King Day! A year ago, I was passing out special activities for my 2nd grade students to celebrate their unknown celebrity of history. My, how much has changed since then! The dark clouds roll in and let the light flicker through the window. We have been so blessed in the short two weeks we've lived in St. Robert. We met several neighbors who share our enjoyment of laughter, play, and time hanging together. Then we found a church full of old West Point buddies from Robbie's school days and chatted through the lunch crowd at Panera (the sole attraction on a Sunday morning!). I'm so excited to already know so many people! Out of the 2500 people it feels like we've met 200! What great odds...Like a family member said, "Maybe we'll run for mayor at this rate!"

We have a spacious home and already feel like taking on home projects. Our neighbors have strongly influenced my New Years Resolution to be more eco-friendly. I got excited and planted seeds in an egg carton for growing indoors, then even took the banana peel outside to our wooded backyard! I have to laugh, wearing a headlamp and creaping out the side porch door with a banana peel does look suspicious! Robbie has taken on the Elantra as a project; somehow the heater went out with the first icy snow. Fabulous timing. Our squeaky engine alerts the neighbors that we don't own the twin to their beefy F250 with 20 inch rims. 

Today's forcast looks like a roadtrip to Springfield with a few showers of couch cuddles. Some eggs, biscuits, yogurt, and the smell of coffee are calling me to the kitchen. Enjoy your MLK Day!

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